Torsten Krug /// director / singer / author

The golden years are over

Play based on the film of the same name by Hans Weingartner
Set up for the stage by Gunnar Dressler

Director: Torsten Krug
Stage and costumes: Michael Gundermann
Dramaturgy: Sylvia Giese

Theater Annaberg Buchholz
Nov 2006

Daniel Koch (Jan)
Beate Weidenhammer (Jule)
Nenad Zanic (Peter)
Gerd Schlott (Hardenberg)
If a premiere was properly celebrated, then it was on Sunday in the district town's Winterstein Theater: minutes of applause, including from the older visitors. (...) Yes, people smoked weed, suffered and loved, just lived, by great actors on stage - (...) Even those who had seen the film were enthusiastic: (...) 'one should just saw it'.

Chemnitz Free Press
A game with hearty reminders that those legal guardians not only leave in the villas, but also put in the pockets of the viewers. Hardly anyone else talks so openly about the dismantling of social justice, greed for profit, political hypocrisy and deformation. (...) The thought-provoking impulses are as urgent as the seemingly casual way in which the art of theater takes the floor here. (...) And that's not just presented here in the Annaberg production, it develops credibly, realistically, full of blood from the game, from the dialogues, from the actions.

Chemnitz Free Press
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